Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Get out those rain boots!

We've been cooped up in the house way too long. The rain seems to be sticking around for awhile so let's take advantage of it. Grab those rain boots and a few waterproof toys and head outside. Here are a few ideas of what to do:

- Splash around with your hands. Is the water warm or cold?
- Stomp in those puddles and compare the splashes made by big stomps vs little stomps.
- If you have a larger puddle, see if some of her toys float.
- Absorb water with sponges. Show him how the water goes into the sponge and what happens when you squeeze the sponge.
- Measure the water with measuring cups. See how many cups it takes to fill up a bucket. When one bucket has 1 cup of water in it, is it heavier than the bucket that has 2 cups in it?

- Count how many worms you see.
- Talk about how fast or slow they move. What other animals move like a worm does?
- Pick them up, how do they feel?
- Compare sizes of different worms. Do all worms look alike?
- Talk about why you see worms after in rains.
- What do worms eat? Which animals eat worms?

- Find some mud and get dirty!
- Let your child feel the mud with his hands and talk about how much heavier it is than regular dirt.
- Build a mud castle.
- Dig in the mud to find bugs.
- Play with cars and build a race track in the mud.

As I finish this post, the sun is peeking out a little bit so hurry before the puddles dry up! Hey, is that a rainbow I see?

What are your family's rainy day activities?

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