Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs written by Judi Barrett and illustrated by Ron Barrett
This is a great book for any age - young or old. It's been my favorite for as long as I can remember and I'm so excited because it's just been released as a movie.
The book features a town called Chewandswallow where food drops from the sky three times a day instead of snow or rain. Life in Chewandswallow is really fun and convenient (no more grocery shopping!) but as you can imagine, it can get pretty messy. When the storms roll in, the food gets bigger, the portions are super-sized and people start to fear for their lives.
The illustrations alone will make you fall in love with this book. There are so many silly and outrageous drawings to look at, it's hard to get through the book without seeing something that you've never noticed before.
If you love the book, check your local listings to see the animated movie (available in 3-D at some locations).
The movie was so good! Well worth going to see and the 3D looked amazing!