Thursday, July 9, 2009

A new kind of swap meet

I recently heard about a great idea that I am so excited to share. Some friends of mine were talking at a play date about how their children have several toys that they don’t play with. They wanted to do something useful with them but felt that their child might notice. As they were brainstorming, one mom noticed that another child was playing with her son’s fire truck that he no longer pays attention to. The other child played with that fire truck almost the entire time, checking out all the flashing lights and the ladder. As she was contemplating why her son no longer likes the fire truck when this little boy thinks it’s so great, an idea struck her – a toy swap. Here’s how it works:

Take a few toys that your child has disregarded and exchange them with another child for an agreed upon period of time and then trade them back. Once the toy returns, he will look at it with renewed interest and play with it again. If he doesn’t, no harm done - just exchange it with another child.

This sounds like a great way to save money and get some use out of toys that are just collecting dust. Try it out and let us know what you think.

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